Friday, December 12, 2014

My Review of Beloved Dust - Drawing Close to God by Discovering the Truth About Yourself by Jamin Goggin and Kyle Strobel

When I started to read this book, I felt 'normal' and not so alone.  Oftentimes in my Christian walk, I've felt 'out of place' and kind of like I'm standing on the fringe by myself.  I've never been one to follow a 'blueprint' of prayer.  I've always tried to be real and honest.. open and raw when I talk to God... even when I'm very angry with Him or hurt that it's more than obvious that whatever plans I had for my life aren't the same as God's plans for my life.. and that can be more than a little bit unnerving.

What I read in the pages of Beloved Dust caused me to reflect and remember that, ultimately, God wants communion with me.  He wants constant communication with me.  That means that He loves me.. accepts me.. and wants me.  It's clearly a 'relationship' that He seeks.. and not just to be hit up on the odd occasion with a 'to do' list of fulfilling my needs and wants.  It also reminded me that if I can't know and face the absolute truth about who I am, I won't be able to have an honest relationship with my Creator.

All in all though, this is a great book.  Powerful and honest.  I found my life scattered within the pages and found reassurance and hope knowing that, even though I feel like dirt a lot of the time, I am, in fact, beloved dust.

The personal experiences of the authors that were shared in this book helped to draw me a bit closer to God and to see our relationship on a new and different level.  I feel like I need to maybe step back and breathe a little bit.. and then re-launch myself in to God's arms with a renewed trust and faith... knowing that God can do ANYTHING.. even miraculous things... with mere specks of dust.

The hardest part for me was.. and still is... coming face to face with truth about myself.  I'm sure this will be a life long process, but I truly believe that it's necessary in order to have any type of authentic relationship ... with God.. or with anybody, for that matter.

Beloved Dust breathed new life in to my Christian walk and relationship with Christ.  I look forward to more adventures, ups and down, in my relationship with the Lord.

I enjoyed this book and will read it again.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My Review of 'Move On' by Vicki Courtney

When I select books to review, I generally choose books that affect me on a personal level.  I look for titles that indicate that the book might contain the help and information that I might need to refer to in certain situations in my life.

Vicki's book, 'Move On', is definitely one of those books.

It is a down to earth, with the times, honest look in to her own personal stories of struggles and fears being overcome and overtaken by God's mercy.  There are funny parts.  There are sad parts.  There are personal, heart touching parts... but more importantly, for me, there are identifiable parts... familiar parts.. and hopeful parts to this book.

From the go, this book is honest and transparentl.  The kind of writing that draws a reader in and keeps them glued to the pages.. but also, helps them feel not so alone and not so different from everyone else.

I also enjoyed the fact that there are questions/exercises to challenge the reader.  They cause people to think.. and not just move on to the next chapter and the next until the book is over.  It makes the reading a lot more concrete and provides ways and means to help ourselves turn to God to step out of our messes and in to His MERCY.

There are many Bible verses and scriptures contained in its pages to correspond with what Vicki is discussing throughout the chapters.  Many good reference points to go to, for me, at least, when in need of a certain 'something' to sustain my hope in seemingly hopeless situations.

Vicki's book provided me a window to peer in to in order to witness someone else's 'mess' and then, through it all, the extent and reach of the arm of God's mercy.  After reading this book, I no longer feel unworthy of God's mercy and forgiveness.  The words within the pages of this book have changed my heart.

I recommend this book to anyone who needs a better understanding of mercy and its implications in our every day life.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

Friday, August 15, 2014

My Review of Forgiving Our Fathers and Mothers - Finding Freedom From Hurt and Hate - by Leslie Leyland Fields

Yes, it's time for another book review.  But first, a confession.

I did NOT want to read this book.  I didn't even want to read the cover.  I did NOT want to forgive the people in my life who have hurt me.  Probably not unlike a lot of other people, I wanted to hold their errors over their heads and punish them for as long as I could for the pain they caused me.

Why should I forgive someone who had so much disrespect for me that they hurt me the way they did?  How COULD I forgive?

I once heard someone say, and I paraphrase, VERY loosely, that punishing someone by not forgiving them is like drinking poison and waiting for them to die.  Okay.. I told you.. it was a VERY loose paraphrase.  I'm way off, but you get the gist of it, I'm sure.

This was one of those books that God kind of hit me in the face with.  It was one of those "If you want to move forward, you HAVE to do this", type of things.

In candor, I admit to you that I'm very glad that I heeded the 'nagging' of the Spirit that stirred me to reading this book.

From the first page of the Introduction, I KNEW that I wasn't alone.  I KNEW that I wasn't the only person who had those idiosyncrasies. those silent wishes for revenge.. those justifications for my moods and attitudes.  I knew that this was a book I HAD to read.

 From the beginning of this emotional book, Leslie held my hand and walked me through her very personal journey; sharing fond and not so fond memories of her life with me.  She shared her fears, her sadness, and her anger.  Her transparency was refreshing and it made it difficult for me to put the book down.

I would have stormed right through the book, but the participation questions at the end of the chapters made me put the book on 'pause', if you will, every now and again.  They were thought provoking questions that got me in touch with myself.  Some of them were real questions.. and they all made me take a good, long, hard look at myself in a totally different light.

I recognized myself on almost every single page of this book.  I've heard it before.  I know you've heard it before... but forgiveness isn't necessarily about the freedom of the person we're forgiving; it's about OUR freedom.

God knew, when He put this book in front of me.  He know I couldn't carry the weight of unwillingness to forgive anymore.  This book enlightened me.  It guided me.  It helped me.  It showed me that I am not alone.. that I will never be alone.. that it's okay to be hurt and not want to forgive, but even more okay to take that step of faith and 'just do it'.

I recommend the gift of this book to anyone who has a hard time forgiving others.. or even themselves.  I know that reading the book was only the first part of my 'Journey of Forgiveness'.... now comes the hard part.... walking the walk.

Well... onward and upward.. to FREEDOM and FORGIVING!!!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

Monday, July 28, 2014

No 'I' In My Soup

Today, I was hungry
While through errands I flew
I did not have much time
So a soup had to do.

I went to a diner
A hole in the ground
I found a small table
And sat myself down.

I ordered my soup
And impatiently waited
Then, when my bowl arrived
I was really frustrated

I asked the young waiter,
"Hey man, what’s the scoop?
There is no ‘I’
In my alphabet soup."

The waiter sat down
He looked right at my face
And said things to me
The put me in my place

He said ‘A’s for that addict
That walked through the door
She’s spent many years
Eating food from the floor

'B’s for that baby
Defenseless and weak
Being abused by his parents
And no words can he speak

'C’s for the cuts
On the arms of that girl
She just lost her boyfriend
He was her world

'D’s for that dog
The one covered in fleas
He cries the day long
But no one hears his pleas

'E’s for everybody
Outside of yourself
Who’s desperately needing
But won’t ask for help.

F’s for the father
Working hard every day
And comes home too tired
To find time to play

'G’s for a gutterbug
A sweet, homeless man
Who keeps himself sheltered
As well as he can.

'H’ is that husband
Who just lost his wife
She just passed away
She had just begun life.

'J’ is that jacket
All wrinkled and torn
It’s all that my friend has
To keep himself warm.

'K’ is those kittens
That cry for their mom
She was hit by a car
She won’t be back home

'L’s for the love
That’s so hard to find
With all of life’s stressors
That weigh on our mind.

'M’ is for money
We all strive to make
Just to make ends meet
Our livelihood at stake.

'N’ is for nobody
That’s who deserves
To wait for their next meal
While I share these words.

'O’ is oppression
That’s thick in the air
It weighs people down
But, does anyone care?

'P’s for the people
You see every day
The ones you bump in to
Because they’re in your way.

'Q’ is the questions
On everyone’s mind
Does compassion exist here
Is anyone kind?

'R’s for respect
Something everyone needs
That’s now so dependent
On the other’s deeds.

'S’, that’s the siblings
Separated at birth
They spent their whole life
Feeling devoid of worth.

'T’ is for troubles
We all have them, you see.
They happen to you
And they happen to me.

'U’s unconditional
Does that even exist?
Is it even a word
I can find on your list?

'V’ is for victory
The sweet, ending prize
The end, that’s so near
It puts light in your eyes.

'W’ is the witness
The one that you are
To all of the heartache
Of those near and far.

'X’ is a symbol
We’ve all come to know
It covers the places
Where no one should go.

'Y’ is the youth
That slips, swiftly away
What we all wouldn’t do
For just one more day.

'Z’ is the letter
That soon ends my speech
I want you to see
Just how far you can reach.

'I’ is for ‘self’
It signifies ‘me’
You need to look outwards,
To set yourself free

You need to see life
As an infinite loop
That is why, my dear friend,
There’s no ‘I’ in your soup.

When he finished his speech
My head, I hung low
My pride shattered beneath
His truth's mighty blow.

His words, in my ears, 
They rang so very true.
Now I search, in my soup,
Not for 'I', but for 'U'.

© Kelly Irwin
July 28, 2014

Friday, July 18, 2014

Shipwrecked with Jesus © March 24, 2014

My boat overturned in the ocean
I was stranded between sea and sky
Clinging to my shattered vessel
It was only my Savior and I.

Adrift on the stern of my broken boat
It was hard not to worry or fear
I tried to stay calm in spite of it all
For I knew that Jehovah was near

The sharks started circling around me
The sharp smell of salt filled the air
I wanted to scream out in terror
But I knew that my Jesus was there.

Though my skin burned in the sunlight
The water was tepid and still
I knew I’d survive this adventure
My safety was my Father’s will.

I spotted a pod of small dolphins
They frolicked beneath waves and wind
A feeling of hope overcame me
I knew, soon, I’d be safe, once again

Then, after what seemed like forever
My eyes focused on precious land
In moments, I had left the water
And was walking, barefoot, in the sand.

 If ever you’re shipwrecked with Jesus
There’s no need to fear anymore
For He is your all knowing Father
He will lead you safely to shore.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

What Do You Expect?

I have a very bad habit.  I've had it for many years, and, sometimes, I do it without even thinking about it.

When something bad happens to me, or someone I love or am close to; when everyone else around me seems to be getting blessed beyond measure, and I seem to be experiencing Murphy's Law; when others are being promoted, and I'm being kept in the same place, I say "Well.. what do you expect?  This is the way it is in my life."  or... "Just  as I expected.".. or even... "I expected nothing less."

Does anyone else do this or am I the only one?  I'd like to think, in a selfish way, that I'm not alone.  However, on the flip side, I hope there aren't too many of us out there.

I'm sure you've heard it said, as I have, that words have incredible power.  That you can bring life or death to someone with your words.  You can tear someone down with thoughtless words, or you can raise them up, and even change their whole life, with kind, encouraging words or praise.

I've also heard, though I'm not entirely sure I believe it, that we can actually 'speak' things in to existence.  I'm not talking about physical objects, necessarily, because, believe me, if this were so, I would have a much nicer house, a solid, reliable career, and a husband; but more 'experiences'.  For example... 'I'd love to get married in the summer, but, with my luck, there will be a thunderstorm on my wedding day.'

Yes.. I believe that words are very powerful.  I remember things that were said to me when I was a young girl.  Let's just say, I'm no longer a spring chicken.. so, obviously, the words had a powerful effect on me and, possibly, the outcome of my life thusfar.

I'm also beginning to believe, though, that our thoughts are equally as powerful as our words.

I've had kind of an unlucky series of events happen over the span of my lifetime.  No more or no less than anyone else, I would imagine.  Just 'life events'.  Though I know I'm not alone in my experiences, I often feel incredibly isolated in my experience, and, I believe that I react a lot differently than, maybe, others may react.

I can sometimes be a drama queen and blow things entirely out of proportion.  On the other hand, I can be indifferent, mainly from being worn down, when I should be more alert, concerned, and on the ball.  Most often, when I'm in 'indifferent' mode, solutions to my dilemmas don't come easily.

I'm in kind of a whirlwind of 'situations' at this point in my life.  Other than occasionally asking God why there's a target on my back or a dark cloud over my son and I, I've been noticing that, once again, the age old questions have been arising every time something bad happens... 'what do you expect?  This is the way it is in my life.'

I have to sit back and consider that, quite possibly, a lot of the things that are happening to me right now may very well be happening for that exact reason.  That I 'expect' them to.  Because I've known pretty much nothing other than negative, pain, hurt, and turmoil, it's come to be 'part of my life'... even though it's something I truly don't want.

How about you?  What have you expected in the past?  Have you expected good things?  If so, have they come to pass?  Have you expected bad things?  Have THEY come to pass?  Is it time for you to change your expectations?

Today, I'm going to challenge myself.  Please feel free to join me.

It is now 9:40 am, Thursday morning, July 10, 2014.  Today, I expect to have a great and blessed day.  Today I expect to meet all of the people that I need to meet in order for my life to start heading in the right direction.  Today I expect nothing but sunshine in a cloudless sky to follow my son and I wherever we go.

I won't have blessings if I expect curses.  So, today, I expect to change my expectations!!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Get out of your RUT

If we want life to change; if we want things to get better for us; if we want to become better people; we need to get out of our RUT. 

We need to Rewire our Underlying Thinking.

Christianity isn't a crutch. It's not an excuse. It's a complete (hopefully) life makeover.

The day we give our lives to Christ, our journey isn't over, it's just beginning. We fight a daily battle in the spiritual realm. We fight a daily battle with our flesh. We even fight a daily battle with our own will.

Where we could freely complain about, reject, and hate those who didn't fit our mold of 'acceptable', we are now called to love, accept, and do good for those same people.

Where we used to swear like sailors (I still do), we're expected to hate that type of language. The very things that sadden our Savior are to make our own skin crawl when we see/hear them happening around us, or, worse, when we say/do them ourselves.

Where we had no problems with retaliation, retribution, hoping for karma, and walking away from those who hurt us, angered us, or we just plain didn't like, we're called to turn the other cheek, and to not tire of doing good for these reviled people.

We need to be mindful that whatever we do to someone, we're also doing to the One who laid down His life for us.

Christianity doesn't sound so much like paradise anymore, does it? Not looking very much like 'the easy way out', huh?

I believe, though, that with daily... sometimes minute by minute changes in our lives; changes to our own ways, we can/will re-wire our brains and our hearts in such a way that doing the right thing will become second nature.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Weight Limitations

I remember going to the Carnival (Super Ex) with my son a few years ago.  I was so excited to get on the rides with him.  I was bent on having an amazing day.... and crawling back to the house, completely worn out.. as I'd done in years past.We went on a few rides.. the Ferris wheel, the tilt-a-whirl... Gravitron.. or whatever it's called now.  Then.. I wanted to go on the Hurricane.... It used to be my favorite ride. :)  I was always in the 'Squish' zone.. because I was the biggest.

Anyways... Zak and I pranced *okay..  I pranced... he ran*... over to the Hurricane ride... showed our bracelets.. and got to the first available car.  I climbed in... Zak climbed in.. and we pulled the bar down... well... we 'tried' to pull the bar down.  It didn't happen.  I sucked my tummy in... still didn't happen..  By this time, the ride was now full.. every car was full.. and the Carnies were going around making sure everyone was securely fastened in their cars.  I was mortified....To make a long story short.. because I truly don't want to go there... we had to exit the ride in front of everyone because i was too big. :(

I was so humiliated.. devastated... I didn't go on any other rides after that.  I let Zak go on his own as I sat and waited.. and held back tears of embarrassment.. hoping nobody would see.  I wanted to sink beneath the ground.

After that experience, I was bound and determined to get hooked up with a gym and lose weight.  There was NO way I was going to go through that kind of an experience again.

A few days later, I got a membership at a local gym.  To my dismay, though, there were certain machines I couldn't use, as my weight exceeded their limitations.   I felt so stuck.. and, once again, stupid.  The trainers at the gym tried to explain to me that the stress caused to the machines by the excess weight could cause them to decalibrate or, worse, break... and it was a big expense to have to replace them.

In other words, I would have to lose weight in order to go to a gym and use machines that would help me to lose weight.

I've been thinking, lately, about how much excess emotional weight I've been carrying in my heart and in my mind.  Although not physical, it is a tangible, palpable.. and, possibly, measureable weight that causes my shoulders to sag, my back to curve.. and my feet to drag.It is a weight that causes my eyes to tear up, the corners of my mouth to furl downwards, and my gait to turn to a shuffle.  It is a weight that clouds my countenance, and affects others around me.  It is a weight that turns my positive to negative.  I know people want to help me carry this burden, but there are no handles... so they can't.

Today.. I want to let go of that weight.  I want to respect the limitations that God placed in my heart.. in my mind.. in my life.  Today.. I want to turn this weight over to the One who can bear it without effort... the One who longs to see me unchained... unbound... free!!!!  I urge you to do the same.  

Today.. respect the weight limitations in your heart and in your mind.

Give it to God.

He can handle it.  He wants to take it from you.

Switching things up a bit

This blog was mainly dedicated to book reviews for booklook bloggers.

I'm going to switch things up a bit by adding some of my own original writing in between the reviews.

I hope you enjoy. :)

Monday, March 10, 2014

My Review of Let Hope In: 4 Choices That Will Change Your Life Forever - by Pete Wilson

I love this book.  I plan on reading it again.

An insightful and hope inducing book.  Pete structures his sentences and chapters in a way that's understandable to even the least seasoned reader.
Pete makes hope REAL.  He makes hope ATTAINABLE.  The book has short, concise chapters, and is very readable.  Once I started reading it, I didn't want to put it down.

I'm one who is always grasping for books and workshops about hope, faith, and love.  For the most part, I've been disappointed, as the curriculum has fallen short of my expectations and turned in to nothing more than a wordy (and unattainable) pipe dream.

For anyone who feels that they are in a hopeless situation, I suggest that you read this book.

I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”