Thursday, July 10, 2014

What Do You Expect?

I have a very bad habit.  I've had it for many years, and, sometimes, I do it without even thinking about it.

When something bad happens to me, or someone I love or am close to; when everyone else around me seems to be getting blessed beyond measure, and I seem to be experiencing Murphy's Law; when others are being promoted, and I'm being kept in the same place, I say "Well.. what do you expect?  This is the way it is in my life."  or... "Just  as I expected.".. or even... "I expected nothing less."

Does anyone else do this or am I the only one?  I'd like to think, in a selfish way, that I'm not alone.  However, on the flip side, I hope there aren't too many of us out there.

I'm sure you've heard it said, as I have, that words have incredible power.  That you can bring life or death to someone with your words.  You can tear someone down with thoughtless words, or you can raise them up, and even change their whole life, with kind, encouraging words or praise.

I've also heard, though I'm not entirely sure I believe it, that we can actually 'speak' things in to existence.  I'm not talking about physical objects, necessarily, because, believe me, if this were so, I would have a much nicer house, a solid, reliable career, and a husband; but more 'experiences'.  For example... 'I'd love to get married in the summer, but, with my luck, there will be a thunderstorm on my wedding day.'

Yes.. I believe that words are very powerful.  I remember things that were said to me when I was a young girl.  Let's just say, I'm no longer a spring chicken.. so, obviously, the words had a powerful effect on me and, possibly, the outcome of my life thusfar.

I'm also beginning to believe, though, that our thoughts are equally as powerful as our words.

I've had kind of an unlucky series of events happen over the span of my lifetime.  No more or no less than anyone else, I would imagine.  Just 'life events'.  Though I know I'm not alone in my experiences, I often feel incredibly isolated in my experience, and, I believe that I react a lot differently than, maybe, others may react.

I can sometimes be a drama queen and blow things entirely out of proportion.  On the other hand, I can be indifferent, mainly from being worn down, when I should be more alert, concerned, and on the ball.  Most often, when I'm in 'indifferent' mode, solutions to my dilemmas don't come easily.

I'm in kind of a whirlwind of 'situations' at this point in my life.  Other than occasionally asking God why there's a target on my back or a dark cloud over my son and I, I've been noticing that, once again, the age old questions have been arising every time something bad happens... 'what do you expect?  This is the way it is in my life.'

I have to sit back and consider that, quite possibly, a lot of the things that are happening to me right now may very well be happening for that exact reason.  That I 'expect' them to.  Because I've known pretty much nothing other than negative, pain, hurt, and turmoil, it's come to be 'part of my life'... even though it's something I truly don't want.

How about you?  What have you expected in the past?  Have you expected good things?  If so, have they come to pass?  Have you expected bad things?  Have THEY come to pass?  Is it time for you to change your expectations?

Today, I'm going to challenge myself.  Please feel free to join me.

It is now 9:40 am, Thursday morning, July 10, 2014.  Today, I expect to have a great and blessed day.  Today I expect to meet all of the people that I need to meet in order for my life to start heading in the right direction.  Today I expect nothing but sunshine in a cloudless sky to follow my son and I wherever we go.

I won't have blessings if I expect curses.  So, today, I expect to change my expectations!!!!

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